Thyristor is a general term and it consists of a family of power semiconductor devices such as SCR, light activated SCR (LASCR), GTO, TRIAC, etc.
These devices are used extensively in power electronics circuits.
These devices operate in conducting and non-conducting states.
The conduction of thyristor is possible by providing current to gate terminal.
The turn-off of thyristor is also possible when the current flows through the device below the holding current (or Zero).
SCR is the simplest in structure and most used in PE circuits.
SCR is a unidirectional device, but its turn on process and turn-off are controllable.
Thyristor is a four layer (p-n-p-n), three terminal, three junction semiconductor device.
SCRs are available from few voltages to several KV and few amperes to several KA.
The thyristor has three basic modes of operation.
Static Characteristics of SCR
1.Forward blocking region.
2.Forward conduction region.
3.Reverse blocking region.
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